Posted by : Rizal Maulana Ainul Yaqin
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Bootfighter similar to the game, Gundam robot characters in it have a good overhaul of the code until the KD-03 KD-08. Although the rating is low as Boot Fighter, but I think it would not hurt to try, what else can be done with this game Wire LAN or LAN-based Wireless. in one computer can accommodate 2 player, and a 10 CPU server can (normally), meaning that 20 people can damage the keyboard or a stick, for those who do not have Ultimate Knight Windom, please click the download locally. or there. After that you should install the patch one by one so that the Japanese language (machine language?) Turn into the English language patch series 1005 (built in), 1008, and 1009.
Kak cara setelah downloadnya gimana??